Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Fig Beetle

Today I found a fig beetle sitting on a toy in our pool. Has anyone seen one before? They are so cool. That reminds me of a book I read called Atherton. It talks about figs.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Picture - Owl

Hi! I hope you are having fun. Here is a picture to make you SMILE! :-D

Fun at gramma's

We are at my mom's mom (gramma) and my friends and I played outside. Tomorrow well make little bugs from fondant (cake decorating edible clay). And did you know praying mantises could fly? Well I think I should be going.Text Color

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Fun in the daily rain

2 days until we leave Ireland. I've had so much fun. I'll be sad on the airplanes. I have lots of souvenirs for all my Friends and family and I'm not looking forward to 15 hours of flying and layovers. plus I have a sea camp 1 day after we get home and I'll be messed up. there is a 6 hour difference. BYE! For now.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


In the summer i'm going to Ireland for two weeks, With My mom, Aunt Stacy, Nana, Papa, Uncle Mike, and baby couisin Hunter. We are also going to Scotland for a few days. I'm sad I have to leave Pandy for a long time at my grammas house. We are going to stay in Dublin for a little bit. While we are in Scotland we can only take 1 back-pack (that is all)per person.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Only 8 more days!

Pandy's b-day is 8 days away! Don't tell her that she'll get a cute bear squeekey toy.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Jellyfish don't have brains so they just fly around in the water. Shaped like bell they have a jelly like substance to make them so flexabal. The man of war has long tentcals and we saw a dead one plus they are very deadly to people.

Dad goes to San Diego

This is a starfish Daddy got in his fancy hotel on his pillow. When they're alive they can loose a leg and grow it back. They're common in tide pools and we saw one. Most are dull yellow or orange. Some have up to 25 legs. Each leg has organs in them. They are also very bendy because of thir spine. You should go to Fact Monster and search for sea star.

pandy waawaa

My dog is a Chihuahua ( che-wa-wa ) but most people think she is a rat terrier. I posted this 'cause in ten days she'll turn 4 years old! I know she is so adoreable! We got Pandy when I was young after our other dog, Barker died. She is my second best friend in the world. At night she sleeps with me and she is a great guard-dog. She is very unusual because she dosen't ''yap'' at all (she does get a little crazy when you knock on the door or ring the door-bell). Her vet says she's sweet because she dosn't yap. I love you Pandy!